jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

I’m no good taking photography’s but this one was taken by me, and shows to my dog called “Niña” in the garden of my house, in January, the last year 2012. I like this picture because there is my house pet, and in my little free times I try to play with her, go for a walk in the park or around my house. And this day I publish this image on Facebook for show my little dog. I think that this time was so funny because I’m relaxing in the weekend, in holidays with my family and this is the reason why I chose that picture. Also, this photo is a form of expression about the care for the animals, some people deal with animals like things without feelings, like decoration. So I take responsibility for all the things associated with an animal that is alive a dog that has needs, so I try to be careful with her, and I think that every time that I do it she moves his tail who means (I think) that she is so happy. I hope you enjoy it.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Hi everybody, i will show more aspects of me now, one of them are my ambitions.
My ambitions for the future are travel to other country, specifically Europe; I should study about this culture and learn about people who live in their country.
I would like to achieve this ambition, because I like to know other people, different places and cultures. In my opinion Chile is a good country with desert, arctic  mountains and a very variety of persons, but I always wish with to visit to England or France, for the history that I would find, for the monuments, and I will like to learn about this social and historical context.
The person who inspired my ambition is my sister because she is studying in London and she told me that England is an enjoyable place.
If I would fulfill my ambition, I will take advantage of all the knowledge associated with the culture, the history of art, the social aspects, places and I would use this for my career (Psychology) and for my personal formation. So, of course, for enjoy and discover new lifestyles. 

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

I'm interested in social websites like Facebook or twitter, so also with this social network i learn to listen good music, for this reason i discovered the website www.futuro.cl and i liked him, because is a site where you knows about all the actualization of the music and the classics sounds and bands, also you can hear the radio with persons who knows all about the history of the international and Chilean songwriters.

That is funny for me because i love rock and soul, and this radio had this style. For example, in a program they talks about "The Beatles", the history of this band and the best is they mix music with knowledge about this one.  The website are associated with gigs, magazines, artists, singers, songwriters, stores,etc. So this page allow me have more knowledge about  something that i like it, i always find interesting things because i like the "Radio Futuro".

I always check this website in the afternoon, after the class at the university for a little of relax. I hope you enjoy it.
Hello everybody,
My name is Marcela Mateluna, i am 19 years old, i am studying psychology at University of Chile in my second year. I was born in February 7th, 1994. I am live in "La Granja", Santiago of Chile with my family (my dad, mom and sister). Also i have a dog called "Niña" very pretty and funny, I love music and im trying to learn english.