Hi class!
I will talk about my presentation of an “introduction
to social psychology”.
This is a discipline that study psychological
phenomenons, those are defined by social and cultural processes and is not a
subdivision of psychology of sociology, is a new discipline.
This topic is important for me because the
notion of subject is associated with the interrelation between individual and
groups. This one is one way how you would study treatments for understand human
A group can be defined as two or more
individuals that are connected to each another by social relationships, groups
tend to interact other, influence and share a common identity and have three characteristics
which are norms, roles and relations. Norms are implicit rules and expectations
for group members, for example, saying hi, good bye or shaking hands; roles are
expectations for specific member of the group, for example, the oldest brother
has additional responsibilities in his family; relations and patterns of liking
in the group give differences in the prestige or status, for example, popular
people and leaders.
Some interesting theory about this
discipline is the triadic model of Serge Moscovici, this one suggest that we
act associating three aspects: self or individual subject, alter or social
subject and the object. So this point is relevant for deal with the reality in
a social context, interactions history with people who have influence in my
In conclusion i need to add that this
discipline is very extensive and for this reason and is impossible to explain in
this little presentation, but some of the principal concepts are here and i
think could be the opening to an interesting career discussion about the
construction of the subject, his identity, his history in community besides the other
psychological practices.
I hope you enjoy it!