jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Hello guys I will talk about psychology, the career that I’m studying in my second year. I discover this career in class at my high school, when I had philosophy, the teacher told our about some general concepts and authors in this area associated with psychology. From the moment when I hear about this topic I liked it, the first time I listened to it I love it, I thought that it was interesting for me, and I never changed my opinion.
The professionals in my area contribute my society helping to understand the majority of human’s behavior, so I think that if we do this activity we should change some aspects of our lifestyles, our society, and we can build a society with more care about our environment and we can collaborate with public politics that helps to have a better live. I know, this is very optimistic and inspiring, but is a hard work. I think that if we know that we live in different cultures, activities, realities, but in the same place, we can guide or show some ways that the people can take or not.  Also important is that we should do all this things without control emotions or activities, we can’t “normalize” in my opinion.
My favourite subject is “Psychology of Personality” because this one taught me some important elements for understand the actual situation of this discipline, some theories of authors like Foucault and Freud.
Psychology is a discipline that contains many inexplicable aspects in a few lines and I’m only in second year, but in this time I learned a lot of interesting concepts and I hope learn much more.

4 comentarios:

  1. i agree with you in some things, but i don't like foucalt and freud.

  2. than sure for your self and your decision! great!

  3. Psychology of personality with Danilove is beautiful and stanger jajaja!

  4. Hi Marcela, i liked so much psychology of personality, is a subject so interesting
