jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Hello everybody, i will write to you about my favourite topic ever: food.

I am not good going out to places for eat because i prefer do this in my house, in my cooking, i think that in this way we create more familiar atmosphere. But when i go out to a restaurant, i like to go to the "Piccola Italia" because it serves Italian food (obviously), principally pasta like spaghetti, noodles, lasagne, etc., this is my favourite food.

This place is in Santiago, and i like to eat there "Torteletti de carne" dish, this one contains pasta stuffed with meat, served with Bolognese sauce, cream and parmesan cheese.
The reasons why i like to eat there is that this is in a central place or near to my house, i only need to take a taxi or the tube (Metro). Also the prices are not to high and the costumer service is good, the place is comfortable in my opinion.
Other food that i like is the Chilean food, of course is my country and i cant to stop to mention, his "humitas" or "porotos" needs to be recommended and one of the restaurants that serves this food is "Los buenos muchachos" in Santiago.

I hope you can visit this places or eat this food, because it`s delicious!   

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    I like the "piccola Italia" too.
    The food is very delicious... but the first time that I visited this restaurant and asked lasagna I thought: "I prefer my mom's food"

  2. I really like the food, specially the Chilean food above all “pastel de choclo” or “humitas” .

  3. Wow! you said "humitas" and now I have hungry! Los buenos muchachos is a restaurant nearby to my house in Paine!

  4. I really like pasta, and I go sometimes to Piccola Italia, my favorite dish of this place is panzotti salmon with shrimp sauce, if you like seafood I recommend it

  5. Hi!!
    I dont know many types of italian food, but sounds very good, and the chilean food is the best of the world the humitas and porotos are my favorites too... regards

  6. Hi! i love Pasta, and the Piccola Italia is delicious.

  7. I once visited piccola italia. It was very nice :)
