miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Today i will talk about my favorite music, band and song.

 I listen to a lot of different kind of music and I tend to listen to different styles like rock, pop, folk, etc.  But right now I listen to rock music more often, the reason is that maybe I love the sound of the instruments like the electric guitar, the drums and the bass guitar and how you can feel melody with that, also if you can add to that a good voice it’s the perfect combination.  There are some good groups, but I tend to listen to English bands and I know I should prefer the Chilean ones but the English language is more attractive for me, don’t ask me why.

When I listen to good music I tend to prefer good lyrics and instruments. One of my favorite music are played by the British rock band "Muse", and one song that I like from them is "Starlight" because is very melodic and simple. The first time i heard "Starlight" was 2 years ago more or less, on the radio, and from that moment i have never stopped listening to that song. 

This song has a melody and rhythm very attractive and easy to follow for me, the guitar and drums from the guys of this band are amazing, they form a spectacular performance in the video of this song where they are on a ship and finally appear many sparklers illuminating the night. For this reason and for the lyrics, i think that this song try to express “hopes and expectations” for something or somebody important in our lives. I hope means the same for you, but is my perspective, my interpretation. 

This is my last blog post so i hope you liked it, bye. 

miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2014

Hi classmates, today i will talk about my experience learning English in my life.

Well, at the university my experience learning English has been good, there aren't complications with the class or the teachers and i think the use of the blogs are the best thing in this class, it’s just that maybe I don’t give the necessary importance to this, because I prefer to focus on my career and the specific subjects related with it. I know English its important because the majority of the psychology papers, texts and material are written in this idiom, specifically the ones made in the last years, but I can use the basic knowledge that I have if I need help I can look for someone who knows or via internet or whatever.

I think I need to improve in various aspects of my English because like I previously said, I only have a basic knowledge of this idiom. I need to learn more about vocabulary because when I try to talk I always repeat the same words and it’s embarrassing because sometimes I don’t even know that I’m doing that (the blogs are very useful in this aspect but i think i need to improve more). Also when I am reading papers in English I am constantly looking for the meaning of some words and that makes difficult to understand the whole text because I am not reading it fluently. Also I need to improve more with the comprehension of the conversations (listening) because it’s the aspect where I get the lowers marks on the tests, I tend to misunderstand some sentences and the people who is talking in English talk fast for me so I can’t get all what they are saying.

In my opinion English is very useful because is a popular idiom, so almost all the bibliography that I need to read for my subjects at the university is in English and that is the reason why I practically find myself obligated to learn this language.  Also I listen to English music a lot so I try to understand the lyrics (the more i listen to the songs, the more i understand the lyrics and the pronunciation of some words). I wish i could learn more because I would like to travel to England one day.

That is my experience, bye.

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Hello everybody, today i will talk about how “green” i am and by that I mean if I do a positive impact on the environment or not.

Well it’s very difficult for me to answer this question because the care of our environment it’s something that depends on a lot of things, like the activities in the city where I live, the motivation, provision of resources, the knowledge about this topic, etc.

I think there are not so much places where you can learn about ecological practices. In the commune where I live you can go to the city hall offices and read some texts about that or you have to ask for more information, it’s not like the people go and give you the motivation or the education about that which I think it’s very necessary.
You can learn mostly on the internet or some organizations about environmental issues, it depends on the importance that the place gives to that.

I haven’t incorporated recycling into my habits and I feel a little bad for that, in my town there are just one place where you can leave products that we don’t use anymore, or for example the recipes for the papers, the plastic, the glass, etc. and all the things that can be reused.
But I contribute a little walking instead of using the public transport or a car, it’s been a long time since I went to somewhere using the bicycle, but I try to use it as much as I can, for example when I go to the park or to the supermarket (somewhere near my house).

I never joined any eco-organizations because I never have the opportunity or the time to do it, but I would like to do that one day, I think is very important to promote lifestyles in which you are protecting the environment and  try to eliminate a little of all the pollution that we have in Santiago.

Another thing that I do to reduce my carbon footprint is try to not waste so much paper, I read in my computer most of the time, and I try to use all the pages in my notebooks (I have one notebook for 2 subjects in the university) and also I donate clothes that I don’t use anymore.

I think our country needs more politics about this, because if we not take care about our environment, we all will be affected for the consequences in the future and the next generations too, humans, animals, plants, all living things, so we need to talk and do something more “green” for ourselves and for the others.

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Today i will talk about all the things that happened to me during this year,

2014 passed so fast, but a lot of things happened, the good things are the happy vacations with my family in the summer, this year my sister travelled to another country in February to study so I spent a lot of time with her.
 Also I enjoyed the good company with my friends at the university. In general i learnt how to enjoy the simplest things like having conversations, laughing at the jokes of my friends, playing with my dog, etc. I think that I was very happy because of that.

The bad things was my health because the last months I have been sick for a long time but now it seems that i am recovering with good treatment and some rest in my house. My dad has been very complicated with his illness too, he has diabetes and he needs to take care of his eating habits. He visits the doctor frequently and he say that he will get better.

My achievements are my grades in all the subjects at the university, I learnt a lot of all the topics and every day I like more my career, especially the topics related with systemic therapy or psychotherapy in groups.
Well I wish I could played more sports, read books…basically had more time to do things that are not related with the university, not only academic things.
In the end I would like to get a job because I want to travel to somewhere for vacations, like the “7 tazas”, which is a national reserve in the province of Curico.
That is my year, is not finished yet so maybe more things could happen.

Hi class,

Today i will talk about some activities i would like to do in the future. 

Play the guitar is something in particular i would like to learn, i always have loved to listen to music, but sometimes i think in play some musical instrument, create lyrics and melodies. The simplicity is the reason why i prefer the guitar, learning a few guitar chords it can allow to play some songs, also is a basic instrument for start to learn from there and then maybe i would make it more complex creations or knowledge about this. 
In my opinion i should have learnt to play the guitar long time ago, in fact i didn't had that chance, the study, summer job and other activities impeded my development in this area. I hope someday learn to do this amazing activity. Also I would like to play the piano but for now my priority is to learn how to play the guitar.

The second thing is associated with this class and is learn another language, in specific: English. This is important for me because we need to know that many of the texts, the books that i would have to read and study are in this language, so i prefer to have any problems with this in the future. 

I hope you can do all the things that you like, if you can and have the time just do it! 


miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Hello everyone, today i will talk about my dream job.
The kind of job I would like to have is one with a good work environment, communication between all the people in the place I choose, a decent salary and a job related with my actual career.     
Also I would like an outdoor job, a job in which I could travel and visit different places and where I could study about all the experiences there, like all the relationships between people, their culture, their life stories, organization, systems, etc. and at the same time I would like to have an office where I can study and analyse (making reports) after the previous experiences.
Actually I am studying psychology in my third year, and I really like this career, that is the reason why I would like a job related with this, I don`t know yet which area take in the future (educational psychology, clinical psychology, juridical psychology, etc.) but I would like to have contact with the people in their own places, their own context because in my opinion you could have a better knowledge about their stories and their lifestyles.
I really need to think more about this because it’s my future and I would like it to be the best as possible, but for now this are the only things I could imagine for a perfect job.

Thanks for reading, bye. 

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Hello, today I will talk about my favorite city, which is Valparaiso.

This city is it special for me because like I wrote in this blog before, I passed my favorite vacations there so it gives me a lot of good memories. Another reason is that there you can see and visit the ocean where you can swim or navigate and you have a lot of hills with wonderful  lookouts so you can see almost all the city.

 Also since Valparaiso is a touristic city, there are a lot of places where you can have fun, and you can eat a lot of seafood like “Parmesan machas”, a variety of fishes, etc. However I prefer to not visit these places at night because there’s no so much security, if you go in the day there’s a lot of people and tourists so it’s better.

I have been there a lot of times I can’t even count them, because my grandma has a house there (specifically in “Cerro Baron”) so we can use that place to stay without spend much money and because is near Santiago. The last time i went to this places was the last year in the summer.

In my entire life I didn't visited so many places in Chile, so I couldn't tell you why it is different from other cities in my country with good arguments. But of all the places I visited I can say Valparaiso is the best because other places like Santiago (city where I live now) has a lot of traffic, buildings and pollution because there’s a minimal space for parks, forests or nature in general, which are places where I can really feel that I can relax. 

That pretty much it, i hope you could visit this city one day, i highly recommended it. Bye!