miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014

Today i will talk about all the things that happened to me during this year,

2014 passed so fast, but a lot of things happened, the good things are the happy vacations with my family in the summer, this year my sister travelled to another country in February to study so I spent a lot of time with her.
 Also I enjoyed the good company with my friends at the university. In general i learnt how to enjoy the simplest things like having conversations, laughing at the jokes of my friends, playing with my dog, etc. I think that I was very happy because of that.

The bad things was my health because the last months I have been sick for a long time but now it seems that i am recovering with good treatment and some rest in my house. My dad has been very complicated with his illness too, he has diabetes and he needs to take care of his eating habits. He visits the doctor frequently and he say that he will get better.

My achievements are my grades in all the subjects at the university, I learnt a lot of all the topics and every day I like more my career, especially the topics related with systemic therapy or psychotherapy in groups.
Well I wish I could played more sports, read books…basically had more time to do things that are not related with the university, not only academic things.
In the end I would like to get a job because I want to travel to somewhere for vacations, like the “7 tazas”, which is a national reserve in the province of Curico.
That is my year, is not finished yet so maybe more things could happen.


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