miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014

Hello everyone, today i will talk about my dream job.
The kind of job I would like to have is one with a good work environment, communication between all the people in the place I choose, a decent salary and a job related with my actual career.     
Also I would like an outdoor job, a job in which I could travel and visit different places and where I could study about all the experiences there, like all the relationships between people, their culture, their life stories, organization, systems, etc. and at the same time I would like to have an office where I can study and analyse (making reports) after the previous experiences.
Actually I am studying psychology in my third year, and I really like this career, that is the reason why I would like a job related with this, I don`t know yet which area take in the future (educational psychology, clinical psychology, juridical psychology, etc.) but I would like to have contact with the people in their own places, their own context because in my opinion you could have a better knowledge about their stories and their lifestyles.
I really need to think more about this because it’s my future and I would like it to be the best as possible, but for now this are the only things I could imagine for a perfect job.

Thanks for reading, bye. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Marcela! I hope you can have your dream job someday! I'm studying psychology too and I think that our career is amazing, we can do a lot of things! :) see you later!

  2. I think that it`s really hurt to decide the area that you will work in. I hope you can find your area and have you dream job :D
