Hi everybody.
Today i will write about my blogger
experience, about this activity I have many points to describe, the first is that
I am not very sure that I was writing in a good English, so I don’t know if I
learnt to write a better English, but well…in this semester I showed you many
aspects of me, like my career, my friends, my wishes and my opinion of
different topics. The second is that I hope you can understand I’m just a
starter in this area, but I try to do all the possible for do it. This blog was
created for my English class and is a good idea for all the English students
because I think is the way where we can practice writing and expressing things
using this language, we can learn more vocabulary and I’m sure i would have
done better, in my opinion i need more practice, maybe I didn't have the opportunity,
because we had a few classes we can’t learn and practice too much. Anyway, I’m here for enjoy this experience and
was interesting read the posts of my classmates, add comments and give my
opinion, I hope all of these can have a good experience in this class. Thanks
for read my posts :)