jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Hi everybody.

Today i will write about my blogger experience, about this activity I have many points to describe, the first is that I am not very sure that I was writing in a good English, so I don’t know if I learnt to write a better English, but well…in this semester I showed you many aspects of me, like my career, my friends, my wishes and my opinion of different topics. The second is that I hope you can understand I’m just a starter in this area, but I try to do all the possible for do it. This blog was created for my English class and is a good idea for all the English students because I think is the way where we can practice writing and expressing things using this language, we can learn more vocabulary and I’m sure i would have done better, in my opinion i need more practice, maybe I didn't have the opportunity, because we had a few classes we can’t learn and practice too much.  Anyway, I’m here for enjoy this experience and was interesting read the posts of my classmates, add comments and give my opinion, I hope all of these can have a good experience in this class. Thanks for read my posts :) 

miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Hello everybody!

Today i will talk about my best friend, her name is Rocío.
I have known her for 10 years, since the school when i was 9 years old. We have many things in common, because basically grew up together until four years later when we had to go to different high schools. For example we have the same sense of humour, have a similar life history, then some positions or ideologies are the same, OK...not all of these. About that we never have fall out, whenever we have some discussion we solve it soon, I think that's why we never stopped talking. 
Also our physical characteristics make us different, because i am taller than her and people say that she is my little sister. Another aspect that makes us different is that we study different things, I'm studying psychology and she studies engineering. That is the reason why we take the few opportunities to spend time together. When we met, we went out to parks, cinemas, we just talk and have fun.
Our friendship is the result of a relationship cultivated over the course of many years in a million of conversations, every time we try to contact each other, now this still happens so i think i had a best friend and hope to remain so for a long time.

martes, 9 de julio de 2013

Hi class,

Today i will talk about some activities i would like to do. 

Play the guitar is something in particular i would like to learn, i always have loved to listen to music, but sometimes i think in play some musical instrument, create lyrics and melodies. The simplicity is the reason why i prefer the guitar, learning a few guitar chords it can allow to play some songs, also is a basic instrument for start to learn from there and then maybe i would make it more complex creations or knowledge about this. 
In my opinion i should have learnt to play the guitar long time ago, in fact i didn't had that chance, the study, summer job and other activities impeded my development in this area. I hope someday learn to do this amazing activity.

The second thing is associated with this class and is learn another language, in specific: English. This is important for me because we need to know that many of the texts, the books that i would have to read and study are in this language, so i prefer to have any problems with this in the future. 

I hope you can do all the things that you like, if you can...just do it! 

jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

Hello everybody, i will write to you about my favourite topic ever: food.

I am not good going out to places for eat because i prefer do this in my house, in my cooking, i think that in this way we create more familiar atmosphere. But when i go out to a restaurant, i like to go to the "Piccola Italia" because it serves Italian food (obviously), principally pasta like spaghetti, noodles, lasagne, etc., this is my favourite food.

This place is in Santiago, and i like to eat there "Torteletti de carne" dish, this one contains pasta stuffed with meat, served with Bolognese sauce, cream and parmesan cheese.
The reasons why i like to eat there is that this is in a central place or near to my house, i only need to take a taxi or the tube (Metro). Also the prices are not to high and the costumer service is good, the place is comfortable in my opinion.
Other food that i like is the Chilean food, of course is my country and i cant to stop to mention, his "humitas" or "porotos" needs to be recommended and one of the restaurants that serves this food is "Los buenos muchachos" in Santiago.

I hope you can visit this places or eat this food, because it`s delicious!   

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Hi class!

I will talk about my presentation of an “introduction to social psychology”.
This is a discipline that study psychological phenomenons, those are defined by social and cultural processes and is not a subdivision of psychology of sociology, is a new discipline.

This topic is important for me because the notion of subject is associated with the interrelation between individual and groups. This one is one way how you would study treatments for understand human behaviours.
A group can be defined as two or more individuals that are connected to each another by social relationships, groups tend to interact other, influence and share a common identity and have three characteristics which are norms, roles and relations. Norms are implicit rules and expectations for group members, for example, saying hi, good bye or shaking hands; roles are expectations for specific member of the group, for example, the oldest brother has additional responsibilities in his family; relations and patterns of liking in the group give differences in the prestige or status, for example, popular people and leaders.
Some interesting theory about this discipline is the triadic model of Serge Moscovici, this one suggest that we act associating three aspects: self or individual subject, alter or social subject and the object. So this point is relevant for deal with the reality in a social context, interactions history with people who have influence in my life.

In conclusion i need to add that this discipline is very extensive and for this reason and is impossible to explain in this little presentation, but some of the principal concepts are here and i think could be the opening to an interesting career discussion about the construction of the subject, his identity, his history in community besides the other psychological practices.

I hope you enjoy it!

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Hello guys I will talk about psychology, the career that I’m studying in my second year. I discover this career in class at my high school, when I had philosophy, the teacher told our about some general concepts and authors in this area associated with psychology. From the moment when I hear about this topic I liked it, the first time I listened to it I love it, I thought that it was interesting for me, and I never changed my opinion.
The professionals in my area contribute my society helping to understand the majority of human’s behavior, so I think that if we do this activity we should change some aspects of our lifestyles, our society, and we can build a society with more care about our environment and we can collaborate with public politics that helps to have a better live. I know, this is very optimistic and inspiring, but is a hard work. I think that if we know that we live in different cultures, activities, realities, but in the same place, we can guide or show some ways that the people can take or not.  Also important is that we should do all this things without control emotions or activities, we can’t “normalize” in my opinion.
My favourite subject is “Psychology of Personality” because this one taught me some important elements for understand the actual situation of this discipline, some theories of authors like Foucault and Freud.
Psychology is a discipline that contains many inexplicable aspects in a few lines and I’m only in second year, but in this time I learned a lot of interesting concepts and I hope learn much more.

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Hello guys, today i will talk about music and one of my favourites songs. This one is "Starlight" from Muse, a British rock band, i like this song because is very melodic, simple. Also because i like this band and all their songs. The first time i heard "Starlight" was 2 years ago more or less, on the radio, and from that moment i have never stopped listening to that song. 
This song has a melody an rhythm very attractive and easy to follow for me, the guitar and drums from the guys of this band are amazing, they form a spectacular performance in the video of this song where they are on a ship and finally appear many sparklers illuminating the night. For this reason and for the lyrics, i think that this song try to express “hopes and expectations” for something or somebody important in our lives. I hope means the same for you, but is my perspective, my interpretation.

I love Muse and this song, i think you can enjoy the video, because is a great band!


jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

I’m no good taking photography’s but this one was taken by me, and shows to my dog called “Niña” in the garden of my house, in January, the last year 2012. I like this picture because there is my house pet, and in my little free times I try to play with her, go for a walk in the park or around my house. And this day I publish this image on Facebook for show my little dog. I think that this time was so funny because I’m relaxing in the weekend, in holidays with my family and this is the reason why I chose that picture. Also, this photo is a form of expression about the care for the animals, some people deal with animals like things without feelings, like decoration. So I take responsibility for all the things associated with an animal that is alive a dog that has needs, so I try to be careful with her, and I think that every time that I do it she moves his tail who means (I think) that she is so happy. I hope you enjoy it.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Hi everybody, i will show more aspects of me now, one of them are my ambitions.
My ambitions for the future are travel to other country, specifically Europe; I should study about this culture and learn about people who live in their country.
I would like to achieve this ambition, because I like to know other people, different places and cultures. In my opinion Chile is a good country with desert, arctic  mountains and a very variety of persons, but I always wish with to visit to England or France, for the history that I would find, for the monuments, and I will like to learn about this social and historical context.
The person who inspired my ambition is my sister because she is studying in London and she told me that England is an enjoyable place.
If I would fulfill my ambition, I will take advantage of all the knowledge associated with the culture, the history of art, the social aspects, places and I would use this for my career (Psychology) and for my personal formation. So, of course, for enjoy and discover new lifestyles. 

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

I'm interested in social websites like Facebook or twitter, so also with this social network i learn to listen good music, for this reason i discovered the website www.futuro.cl and i liked him, because is a site where you knows about all the actualization of the music and the classics sounds and bands, also you can hear the radio with persons who knows all about the history of the international and Chilean songwriters.

That is funny for me because i love rock and soul, and this radio had this style. For example, in a program they talks about "The Beatles", the history of this band and the best is they mix music with knowledge about this one.  The website are associated with gigs, magazines, artists, singers, songwriters, stores,etc. So this page allow me have more knowledge about  something that i like it, i always find interesting things because i like the "Radio Futuro".

I always check this website in the afternoon, after the class at the university for a little of relax. I hope you enjoy it.
Hello everybody,
My name is Marcela Mateluna, i am 19 years old, i am studying psychology at University of Chile in my second year. I was born in February 7th, 1994. I am live in "La Granja", Santiago of Chile with my family (my dad, mom and sister). Also i have a dog called "Niña" very pretty and funny, I love music and im trying to learn english.